Owners of sauna by the seat company, Fox & Flame

Fox & Flame Sauna was created with the intention of a lifestyle shift.

Work hard, play hard, create space for nature, connections, rest, and joy - not in any particular order! We wanted to put our priorities, passions, community, and our health at the forefront. Our passion for sauna was born in a sauna. We felt the stress melt away. We saw our guards go down. We felt our bodies make a shift, a shift towards healing that showed up beyond just in the sauna. We wanted to create a sauna experience that encompassed all the senses, that allowed community healing and connection, healthy rituals, stress relief, and to add a little magic to the daily grind.

Meet the Founders

Crystal Mason and Joe Buteyn began dreaming of a sauna business in 2019 and Joe’s sauna sketches began to accumulate. They dug in deeper last year by completing an online sauna course led by Justin Juntunen, founder of Cedar & Stone. Fox and Flame Sauna was born on a cold winter night while sitting around the kitchen table with friends, where dreams, ideas, and passion flowed freely.


Joe Buteyn is an artisan, builder, and craftsman.

His passion for timeless design, innovative ideas, and quality craftsmanship is evident in his workmanship. The past 30 years of Joe's career have cycled through new home construction, remodels, as well as high end custom furniture and cabinetry. All of these experiences and skills have culminated into his new passion of creating high quality custom saunas.


Crystal Mason has been hot on the sauna train since her love of cold water plunges started in March 2019.

The cold water tapped into a primal sense of joy that started to wake her up on a different level. Noticing her body in protection mode after numerous surgeries, cancer treatments, and other family health hurdles, the cold water and pure heat from the sauna provided a source of therapy, unconditional self love, meditation, breathwork, and community.